Discount Event Tickets, Theme Parks, Concerts from MyTravelVentures

Discount Event Tickets & Local Attractions!

MyTravelVentures Members save on everything from professional sporting events and concerts to movie tickets, Disney® & other theme park admissions, Broadway and Las Vegas shows, local and regional attractions and much more!

Shopping Boss!

Shopping Boss provides members with an average of 6% instant cashback when used to make purchases at over 250 national retailers, restaurants, and travel brands representing over 125,000 locations across the United States.

Show and Save offers!

MyTravelVentures members have access to discounts at over 300,000 national, local and neighborhood merchants, including huge savings at restaurants. Simply show the available coupon before you pay and receive the savings!

Gift Cards

MyTravelVentures Members receive up to 15% off on gift cards from popular retailers.

MyTravelVentures Health Care

Unlimited Member Accessible Care, Wherever You Are

Whether traveling the globe or planning the next trip from home, our members can avoid long, unnecessary, and potentially expensive visits to the Emergency Room, Urgent Care Clinics, or even their own primary care physician’s office now by engaging directly with online doctor visits. Connecting with a doctor is fast and easy!

  • NO out-of-pocket costs
  • NO co-pays
  • NO consult fees
  • NO extra costs

Welcome to SwiftMD, the new standard for telemedicine services.

MyTravelVentures Health Care TeleMed by Swift MD

SwiftMD is the modern version of the house call. We are a leading telehealth service featuring U.S.-trained, board-certified physicians who specialize in virtual doctor visits via phone and videoconferencing, 24/7. We help improve patients’ health quickly and effectively when they are seeking care for many common illnesses and conditions.